Two Days to be a visual storyteller.


Two Days to step into your power.


Two days to take your best photographs ever.

The Moment-Driven Workshop is a safe and intimate space to learn and enrollment is limited to only 10 students. It's designed to take you outside your comfort zone, connect you with your full photographic potential and arm you with a fresh arsenal of skills so you can take the photographs you've always wanted to capture.


Struggle with culling? Once you learn how to capture moments and what to look for, selecting the perfect moment is a breeze!


Over 2 days, you will take an in-depth look at what holds you back in your photography, technique and business and learn how to take your shooting to an entirely new level, whether you work with couples, children or pets.


Join us for the next Moment-Driven Workshop in Chicago


email for info on new workshop dates!

Downtown Chicago wedding photography
Wedding party and supportive family photographing bride Elana with wave of iphones. Photographed by Candice Cusic


  • How to capture the story of your clients, rather than hundreds of images that don’t connect to their hearts
  • How to communicate with your clients so that you can anticipate which photos will speak most strongly to them
  • How to capture powerful moments during a portrait session that show your clients as an authentic version of themselves
  • How to work through any anxiety you experience documenting and interacting with strangers and address the self-doubt that keeps you from capturing the powerful shots you capable of


  • An intimate group experience with other photographers similarly interested in upleveling their skills
  • Tons of feedback from Candice and fellow workshop participants
  • Ample time to apply what you’re learning to make your photographs even stronger
  • A follow up call with Candice after the workshop to check in and identify areas for growth
  • Access to a private Facebook group of Moment-Driven alumni for future support!


  • Shooting your own assignment in Chicago and crafting your visual storytelling. This is a hands-on workshop where you apply the feedback and techniques you've learned immediately!
  • Feedback sessions where you practice identifying what makes a strong photograph so you can learn to quickly shoot and cull your own shots. Many photographers take days to edit a shoot -- it should only take a few hours, once you know what to look for!

"It's amazing to feel that the changes I've made since the workshop are already visible. I'm shooting differently, I'm editing differently (and much quicker - yay), I'm communicating with my clients better. It has changed EVERYTHING!"


Join us for the next Moment-Driven Workshop in Chicago


email for info on new workshop dates!


Happy bit bull dog in dog portrait with bubble by Chicago Pet Photographer Cusic Photo
Dog Huey strikes a pose during his photoshoot. Photographed by Candice Cusic
Chicago lesbian engagement session



We kick off with introductions. We will share from the heart -- your challenges, what you deeply desire for your photography, and what brings you to the workshop. This is your first glimpse of the team that will support you as you try new things, challenge yourself, and create breakthrough success.


I teach you how to approach a scene, what to look for before hitting the shutter button, and how to position yourself so you capture powerful moments. We will discuss composition, lighting and how to make your clients comfortable in front of the camera. When your clients are comfortable, you will capture the most authentic shots.


We shoot Moment-Driven photographs several times each day and critique them afterward in our debrief. This way, you can apply feedback immediately!


Do you fill with dread when your client asks, “What do you want me to do?” during a portrait session? You'll learn how to stop posing and start capturing beautiful moments that they will cherish forever.


Lunch is included every day. We eat together, get to know each other, and critique your images.


On Day 1 you will apply the Moment-Driven Technique to your own photojournalism assignment on a member of the Chicago community. We will visit with you during your shoot and discuss your challenges and successes! Afterwards, we will reconvene at our studio and go through your shots during our critique session. This is a great way for everyone to learn!



We kick off day 2 by applying what you have learned about Moment-Driven Photography and photograph in the studio!


You will have the opportunity to strengthen your Moment-Driven skills with dogs! We will partner with a local rescue and you will photograph animals in need of a home. You won't be photographing dogs posing for the camera, let's use your new skills and capture some fantastic moments of our furry friends and get them adopted!


After lunch, we will photograph dogs and their owners and show you how to capture tremendous moments with them both!


If there’s time, we end with website critiques. I will edit your website portfolio and highlight your strongest work. Let’s take your portfolio to the next level, and make sure each shot has an impact!



WORKSHOP LOCATION: Cusic Photography Studio, 1431 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL

COST: $1800

Maximum of 10 students. Minimum 5 students required or event is canceled.


A Lasting Impression...


This was the first workshop I have attended that left a lasting impression. Candice's words are always in the back of my head now. I can apply what I learned to just about any subject that I shoot, even beyond weddings and couples. I am now looking for different things, seeing things I didn't see before. -Jenine

follow @cusicphoto

Moment-Driven Photojournalism Workshop

Our location

Located in downtown Chicago.

1821 W. Hubbard St., Chicago, IL 60622

By appointment only


Available for travel internationally, for pets & family photography, and education for photographers. Send us a note for details or reach us by phone at 312-248-2939.


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